Import videos from your device to Ludimos
If you’ve recorded a video outside of Ludimos, you can easily import it into the app.
How to import videos into Ludimos
- Click the + button from the app’s home page on bottom right.
- Select videos from the pop up menu.
- Browse your phone's gallery and pick one or more videos that you want to import.
- On the next page, select the account and group you want to upload these videos to.
- Optional: Add relevant tags to search and find this video later in the app.
- Optional: If you are working with juniors, select the pitch length accordingly. Make sure that you have the stumps placed at the correct distance.
- Click upload to start the upload process.
Video upload management
- In the video management page you will see all your current uploads including the successful and failed uploads.
- You can retry the failed upload.
- If uploads fail after 3 retries, please use the Download icon to move the video to your Gallery from where you can import into Ludimos app by following the steps under the section: How to import videos from your phones gallery